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Understanding and valuing senior citizens

It’s National Senior Citizens Day!

Today is National Senior Citizens Day.

Unfortunately, not everyone appreciates the older generation and some elderly people are portrayed as those who don't understand technology or modern resources like Facetime, Zoom, or smart devices.

However we know that's not the case, and people who are considered senior citizens shouldn't be underestimated.

Older people are commonly misunderstood because they can’t learn new things, particularly technology. This is far from the truth. Sometimes, it’s not wanting to learn something new. You know that saying, “If it isn’t broken, then don’t fix it.” If you’re comfortable with the old way of doing things and it works for you, then there’s no need to learn a new way.

Older people have life experiences that younger people don’t have. Life experience makes you savvier in dealing with life’s hardships and people. With energy and experience comes trial and error. Older people have figured out shortcuts and how to take them. They’ve learned through different life situations like economic hardships. And they’ve learned from regret. If you listen to the wisdom of older people, you might be surprised how you might make your life easier.

Another reason to listen to older people is that their memories, experiences, and perspectives help preserve history and traditions within families and societies. It’s a way to continue what’s unique and special.

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