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Find your inner strength and make it a YouDay!

When you look in the mirror what voice do you hear? Today on Youday! Coach LaMonte helps us to discern the voice and by doing so find our inner strength.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Mirror, mirror on the wall-whose the fairest of them all? 

Okay, now before the mirror answers are you ready to hear the truth? Unfortunately, everyone’s confidence is not as certain as the evil queen in Snow White. But whose voice are you listening to when you look in the mirror every day? Are you listening to the inner champion or are you listening to the nagging voice of insecurity? 

It's time to wash that mirror clean of all the lies and start afresh with a voice who recognizes the greatness that lies within you. I discovered that the mirror can only try to convince you that you are something you are not. You must be willing to start speaking to you like the champion you are! You have the power to change the narrative...let today be the day. 

-Coach LaMonte

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