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Don't let fear stand in your way and push yourself away from others | YouDay! with Coach LaMonte

One of the most important things in our lives is the need for having the right relationships.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — In life, we all have faced moments where we felt alone, isolated, and needed an escape from our reality. Maybe there are moments you feel you don't need anyone and that relationships are a waste of time. But there is always a cause to why we feel this way. There have been times I felt this way. I didn't want to be bothered by others because of betrayal and hurt. So, I built walls to keep others out. Have you ever done this? Maybe you have those walls up right now preventing you from fully trusting others. Trust me, as your Coach I understand and you are not alone.

This was a process I had to learn and a personal mental cave I had to escape. I found myself pushing people away, good people because I feared they would hurt me as others did. This is a natural reaction to new and existing relationships. We all feel at times that people are the enemy and we would rather be alone to prevent personal pain. This is not fair to us or others but my friend we all need someone and relationships are good for us.

There is a scripture that says "Though a person might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand them—a threefold cord is not quickly broken." The meaning here is the importance of connecting with the right people, people who will hold you accountable, push you for greater, motivate you, inspire you, and give an ear and advice when you need one. We need people and people need us. Be willing to confront the hurt you faced due to past relationships and embrace an understanding that not all relationships are bad relationships, and understand that not all relationships should be treated the same. Give grace and be willing to give others the opportunity to surprise you.

-Coach LaMonte

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