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Did you get this Census Survey in the mail?

2WTK confirms, it is real and, yes, you are required by law to fill it out.

GREENSBORO, N.C. —  Uncle Sam wants you! Specifically, the U.S. Census wants you to complete the American Community Survey. This packet came in my mail late last week. It tells you to 'open immediately' and the Census also sent a reminder postcard this week. Both of the items have the words 'Your Response Is Required By Law'. 

It sounds serious, but is it legit?

A couple in Burlington got the same packet and emailed me: 

 They want us, no, told us we have to participate in American Community Survey or face a penalty under law!

 Please let us know if this is legit and do we HAVE to fill our an online survey????

2 Wants To Know went straight to the source. 

The  U.S. Census Bureau has a webpage devoted to the American Community Survey. On that page is a video answering all kinds of questions. The American Community Survey is sent out once a month and it covers about 3.5 million people each year. 

It is legit and yes you do have to respond.  It's a heavy lift, there are 46 pages of questions to get through, but the video on the website explains why it is so important.

This survey is the only source of annual data on social, economic,  housing, and demographics for small areas and small population groups. This data determines about $650 million in grants and funding for highways, schools and hospitals.

Scammers are good, so the Census Bureau has a webpage dedicated to verifying if a contact you get whether it's mail, text, or email is legit.  


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