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When local restaurant, Fitz on Main, was devastated by a fire, the community rallied behind them in a moment right out of 'It's a Wonderful Life'

With a storied history, Fitz on Main has been a staple in the community for decades, so it's no surpise the people of Kernersville showed up when tragedy struck.

KERNERSVILLE, N.C. — “We got the call from the fire department at about 12:30 Thursday morning, in the wee hours, that you're the call that nobody wants to hear," recalled David Fitzpatrick, owner of Fitz on Main.

On that day, May 30th, the beloved Kernersville eatery, was devastated by a fire started by an exhaust fan.

"It just went up the ceiling and just peeled the ceiling back and came up this way," said Fitzpatrick.

However, this isn’t a story of tragedy, it’s a story of hope and community.

“My friends started mobilizing... I felt like George Bailey in It's A Wonderful Life," said Fitzpatrick.

As owner, David Fitzpatrick, known by friends as Fitz, was immediately taken aback by the strong outpouring of love,

“Who knew serving a hamburger or a hot dog that you enter into the lives of others and the response from the community from our customers has been beyond overwhelming. it restores one's faith and humanity," Fitzpatrick said.

From the VFW coming out, to former students showing support, all of Kernersville and beyond were coming out.

“There are Bedford Falls in every community and you just have to -- sometimes we take things for granted but when something horrible happens it's amazing, humanity and the love and the passion that people have given it's overwhelming," stated Fitzpatrick.

But for now, while they clean up, Bedford Falls is in Kernersville,

"You know we can't control our destiny as we've learned things change in a heartbeat but we're if we're open by Christmas time that would be a great present," Fitzpatrick said.

And the role of George Bailey isn’t played by Jimmy Stewart, it’s played by a man named Fitz -- the richest man in town.

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