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'I wouldn’t wish this on anybody' | Father speaks about 10-year-old son's progress after being severely burned

The Burroughs family is rebuilding after losing everything in a house fire. 10-year-old Chevy Burroughs was severely burned but is making progress.

ASHEBORO, N.C. — It’s been two months since a fire in Asheboro took the Burroughs family home, leaving 10-year-old Chevy with severe burns.

On Friday, we heard from Chevy’s father, Kevin Burroughs, who pulled him from the burning home that night. He shared how the family is rebuilding after suffering the loss of everything they own.

“We got him and here we are now,” Kevin Burroughs shared.

Their family is rebuilding after losing everything. 

 “Just strong, Chevy strong,” his father continued. “I wouldn’t wish this on anybody, nobody — it’s horrible.”

Dec. 8 is a night Kevin Burroughs will never forget.

 “I woke up to my wife, screaming my little boy Chevy is what woke her up," he said.

The Burroughs family home went up in flames. What was top of mind for Kevin and Shauna Burroughs —getting their daughter Camdyn and son Chevy out safely.

“She was pulling my little girl out of the window, and I decided that I was going to go through that wall — the only way to get him," Kevin Burroughs detailed.

Going through the wall, from the outside of the home.

“There was no power, just dark. I was swinging on the wall I got a little hole, and I reached through his hair. His hair is what saved him I reached through and felt him and pulled him out. You can’t make that up the Lord put me right there,” Kevin Burroughs went on to say.

Since that night, the family has been through a lot, including an extended hospital stay for 10-year-old Chevy, who suffered second and third-degree burns, but their faith and drive never wavered.

 “My family is an unreal blessing. There is no quit in any of us. We proved it that night. We had that all in front of us and we handled it. We freaked out later, but at the time we handled we did what we had to do.”

Now, Chevy is out of the hospital and still not fully recovered, but making strides every single day and encouraging everyone he meets along the way.

“My little boy is a certified beast,” he shared. “Everybody just sees he is an inspiration to everybody. You just don’t see that much anymore someone with that much drive and determination still has the heart to worry about somebody else. Even though he’s going through all that stuff, he still cares about other people. [He] still cares about other people’s feelings and wants to help them. You just don’t see that much anymore. I’m proud he’s mine.”

Now, Kevin Burroughs and community members are working hard to rebuild the home that was lost.

“The Lord helped me that night, and he is still helping me now,” Chevy’s father said, “We are very blessed. [I am] proud of my family and community, and what they’ve done for me. I had nothing, we had nothing, and now we are going to have it all.”

Block by block, the new home takes the place of a tragic loss.

“Every once in a while, I try to block it out, but you can’t. It’s always going to be there but look on the bright side. I still have my family I know it’s terrible, but we are so here we are still here,” Kevin Burroughs added.

Still here…not letting what happened change who they are.

“That new little saying, he said sheesh he picked on me he said, make sure you get my bedroom, right I said yes sir I got you he’s taking over it he’s ready for his game room. That’s what he’s ready for,” his Chevy’s dad said.

With the help of a generous community, Chevy’s dreams are coming true.

“The material things, the money, and the donations and stuff. They are amazing but the prayers are what put this family where it’s at now, so just keep them coming,” Kevin Burroughs emphasized.

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