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Chevy Burroughs walks in hospital after suffering severe burns from a house fire

Chevy Burroughs has been walking in the hospital after suffering severe burns that left him bedridden for weeks.

ASHEBORO, N.C. — Chevy Burroughs is up and walking at Brenner Children's Hospital in Winston-Salem. 

Ten-year-old, Chevy Burroughs, who suffered severe burns in a house fire on Dec. 8, is now talking, and recovering well at the hospital.

Chevy's mom, Shauna Burroughs, said this about her son: 

"Chevy is up and walking like a champ today. We heard about another little boy around Chevy's age on the complete opposite side of the hall, and they have been wanting to meet each other, and we finally made it happen today." Burroughs continues, "Two days ago the other little boy sent down a Pikachu balloon, and 3 friendship bracelets, 1 for Chevy and 1 each for me and Kevin too so today Chevy walked the entire length of the Burn ICU to go meet his new friend in person and take him a Pikachu stuffed animal!! Thank you to Chevy's incredible PT Jennifer!!"

What Happened

Chevy Burroughs suffered 2nd and 3rd-degree burns when his house went up in flames. His father Kevin Burroughs ripped through a wall to rescue his son. 

The fire started in the back of the family's home. Kevin and Shauna Burroughs, along with their 15-year-old daughter Kamdyn woke up to their son Chevy screaming from his room.  

Family friend, Wally Wilson said Kevin knocked through many layers to get to his son from outside the home. 

"Went through vinyl, siding, plywood, studs, sheetrock, everything, and the hole he knocked was right there where Chevy was and pulled his boy out. The mother (Shauna) knocked the window out. That's actually right here behind me, to pull their 15-year-old daughter out the window," Wilson explained.  

Chevy wasn't breathing so his mother performed CPR until he was revived. 

Kamdyn, Chevy's sister, called 911. 

Chevy was flown to Brenner Children's Hospital where he has been in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit ever since. 

Community Rallies in Support

Many people in Randolph County are coming together to hopefully build the family a new home by the time Chevy gets out of the hospital in late February.

"They are the type of people that don’t ask for anything, they aren’t looking for a handout. They did not ask to be in this situation they are currently in, so that’s why I feel they should not have to ask us for help," said Nathan Helms, an electrical contractor. 

Helms helped install a temporary power pole on the Burroughs property for the family's animals to have running water and food.

"It’s the least we can do to try and give back in any little way possible,” Helms explained. 

Haley Schadt is a friend of the family's and also works at Chevy's school.

She started selling t-shirts to help the Burroughs, as well as collect items for when they can move home.

Items collected so far: a washer and dryer, bedroom suit, clothes, shoes, towels, and so much more.

"Honestly I just got cold chills right now because this community has been so good to the Burroughs family. I’m honestly so thankful for everything that everybody has done for them so far,” Schadt said. 

Other businesses are also collecting donations like Schadt Engine Development, and Eclipse Salon.

Family and friends said Chevy enjoys sports and video games and loves his family to pieces. The road to recovery for Chevy is going to be long and hard.

A Facebook page was created to update the community on Chevy’s recovery.

Credit: Southmont Elementary School
Southmont Elementary School's Beta Club shows support for Chevy Burroughs.


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