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Spring Forward this weekend, but you probably don't have to change your smoke alarm batteries. Here's why...

The new lithium batteries last much longer, so keep your batteries in, but test your detector instead.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Since the beginning of time, you've heard how when it's time to change your clocks it's also time to change your smoke detector batteries. But the message is changing.

"We used to tell people as a rule of thumb that when they change their clocks in the spring and fall, they should change their batteries. Now, many new alarms are coming with long-lasting Lithium Ion Batteries that can last up to 10 years," said Matt Groseclose, Fire and Life Safety Educator with the Greensboro Fire Department

How many Smoke Alarms should a person have in their home and where should they be? 

One in every bedroom, outside of every bedroom, and at least one on every floor.

How long do Smoke Alarms Last?

10 years from the date of manufacture. The date of Manufacture can be found on the back of the alarm.  Smoke Alarms should be tested monthly.

If I  can find a Smoke Alarm online cheaper, is it a good idea? 

Any Smoke Alarm that is used in the home should be approved by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and tested in a lab. Sometimes, people decide to purchase Smoke Alarms online to save money and then do not activate them in an emergency.

If I don’t currently have working Smoke Alarms in my House, how can I get them? 

Well, the easy answer is that they can be purchased at a local hardware store or supply store. If you rent your home, your landlord is required to provide them to you. If you own a home and reside in the City of Greensboro, you can go online to www.gfdnc.com to submit a smoke alarm request. (For those folks who prefer, we can be reached at 336-373-(ALRM) 2576). If you're from another municipality, call your local fire department. Free alarms and installation are common. 

If my Smoke Alarms are wired into the ceiling, how does that work? 

This would be an interconnected system. Any home built after 1999 has an Alarm system where they will all activate if one of them goes off. This makes it safer for you and your family so that you know there is a fire in another part of the home. Just note that these alarms are different than the battery-operated ones.


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