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Camp For Troubled Youth and Parents Wrecked by Storms

By Kyle MeenanJACKSONVILLE, FL -- Camp Consequence has helped Hundreds of First Coast Families Find Peace. Now the Camp needs help to rebuild.

By Kyle MeenanFirst Coast NewsJACKSONVILLE, FL -- Hurricanes and Tropical Storms aren't particular about the damage they cause, whether it's million dollar shorefront homes or canvas tent sites far from civilization.About 20 miles outside of Jacksonville is Camp Consequence. It's a small clearing in the middle of thirty four hundred acres of forest in Bryceville. The Camp was created by Glen Ellison from 'Operation Empowering Parents' designed to give a second chance to families at the end of their rope."We're going to show parents how to motivate their children to change the unwanted behavior without screaming, yelling and arguing," said Ellison. "And it works!"Unlike juvenile justice appointed boot camps designed to change youth behavior through intimidation and discipline, 'Camp Consequence' is a 72 hour ordeal for both the troubled children, AND their parents.Attendees of Camp Consequence will find there's no running water. No bathrooms. No lights. No electricity. No boom boxes, computers or TVs.They will also find a lot of hard work awaiting them."We're going to work 4:30 in the morning until 4:30-to-5 o'clock in the afternoon," said Ellison. "We clean the fence lines. We clean the nature trails and the campsites."One success story from Camp Consequence is the respectful, loving relationship of Rob Chapman and his 15-year old son Mark.On this Sunday it is moving day at the Chapman home. Dad and Mark are working hand in hand loading furniture onto a waiting cart.But it wasn't always this way."We had four years of hell that has turned into just a wonderful mostly normal relationship," Said Rob ChapmanHis son agrees."I actually find it more enjoyable to be around him now that I can actually agree with him instead of always fighting with him."Family Hostility replaced by family love. The Chapmans thank 'Operation Empowering Parents' and 'Camp Consequence' for the transition.But now the camp is in shambles.Before the recent storms there was a storage trailer for equipment and supplies and a large military tent used as a camp headquarters.Today that tent is in shreds. The Storage trailer is a pile of debris."As you can see the seams are all completely busted out," said Director Glenn Ellison. Asked if the tent could be repaired, Ellison shook his head. "Nope, big holes all in it."Ellison is hopeful the generosity of the First Coast will provide replacement storage and another main tent. As for the labor of cleaning up the camp, "It will be done by future campers and their parents!" said Ellison.

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