We've seen many videos of people helping people during the coronavirus pandemic. From cheering from balconies and making masks for first responders and medical professionals to buying groceries for the elderly to minimize their exposure to the coronavirus, people are doing good deeds for others.
It's amazing how focusing on other people by helping takes the focus off of yourself. It's a distraction. In a survey of over 3,500 adults by the United Health group, found that 94% reported improved mood, 76% felt physically better and 78% reported feeling less stressed. According to the Mayo Clinic, helping decreases risk of depression. When you see how you're making a difference in someone's life then you release feel good hormones like endorphins, oxytocin, dopamine, which makes you feel good.
Seeing the impact you make in someone's life by helping them makes you feel good about yourself. Your confidence and self-esteem increases. When you're feeling better than you have more clarity to look at your own situation. You might think of a solution or perspective that you hadn't thought of previously. When you can make a difference in someone's life then that gives you hope.
What are some other ways you've noticed that helping others helps you? Whether it's physically, emotionally, socially, what improves in your life when you're a helper. Share your thoughts on my Facebook page: Blanca Cobb-Body Language Expert. Write a message on my timeline and I'll get back to you. Also, while yo're on my page, I'd appreciate if you give my page a "like."