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50 may be the new 30, but there are standard medical recommendations you should adhere to

Nearly half of U.S. adults have hypertension. You need to have a blood pressure monitor at home.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Data, data, and more data! It seems like we can measure anything these days - and our health is no different. From our daily steps to our body fat percentage - there’s a device for everything. And if you're 50+ Consumer Reports recommends you need to check in on your health on a more consistent basis. 

"Having a few medical devices handy can allow you to track some basic health metrics and give you important information to discuss with your provider. These tools can’t replace a trusted clinician, but they can give you more data about your health in between doctor visits," said Catherine Roberts, Consumer Reports. 

A blood pressure monitor is a must for anyone with high blood pressure, mainly because in-office blood pressure readings are often inaccurate. With nearly half of the adults in the U.S. having hypertension and less than a quarter having the condition under control, a blood pressure monitor can give users essential data right from their homes.

Consumer Reports’ top-rated home blood pressure monitor was the Omron Platinum for its accuracy and convenience ($100). The Omron Silver performed similarly to the top pick but can only record data for a single user ($70).

Next, keep a thermometer handy for those times you don’t feel well. Knowing if a fever has set in and how high it is is helpful. -- See your doctor if a fever lasts more than three days or rises above 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

Anyone who wants to know more about how much exercise they’re getting may want to consider a fitness tracker. Many trackers can monitor steps and activity levels and also track changes in heart rate.

While it might not seem like it, a bathroom scale can also be an essential medical tool.

"It is especially important if you have heart failure because even small weight changes can be an important warning sign of related problems like fluid retention. Unexpected weight loss in people with heart failure could also be a sign that the condition has progressed. In either case, notify your doctor," said Roberts. 

And remember, if you’re 50 or older, especially if you take any meds or have a chronic condition such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes – It’s important to have an annual checkup.


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