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The Science Of Shopping And How It Makes You Buy More

You start your grocery shopping trip with an empty cart. But what you put in it is in large part determined by science.
To set the stage, grocery stores make the front the stores feel open and fresh.

You start your grocery shopping trip with an empty cart. But what you put in it is in large part determined by science. Even if you have a list, chances are you'll pick up stuff not on it.

Grocers want you to feel good as soon as you walk in. So there's lots of open space, lots of beautiful stuff to eat and they put fresh colorful produce right out front.

"This speaks to the whole store then, it kind of said fresh, fresh, fresh."

That's secret number 1 says Herb Sorenson, retail consultant and author of "Inside the Mind of the Shopper."

Secret number 2 - they want to buy the healthy stuff first so you won't feel bad later when when stocking up on cake or soda, junk food.

Secret number 3 - stores move you counter clockwise..because you buy more products on your right.

" You know elephant herds migrate in a counter clockwise fashion, the birds in the sky wheel in a counter clockwise fashion," says Herb.

Reverse that and shop clockwise and researchers found you spend two dollars less.

Secret number 4 - we've been conditioned that bargain items end in 9. But ending in a 9 doesn't necessarily mean its on sale. And get this we don't always buy the cheapest product. For example if one product is $1.69 and a similar product $1.89, Herb says most of the time you pass on the cheaper item.

"Subconsciously, the little man in there is saying what's wrong with this one, what did they leave out, what's the problem hear," says Herb.

On average supermarkets carry more than 42,000 items so we're often overwhelmed with choices. And Herb says choices are hard. That's why we like end of aisles displays or end caps. So don't always expect a deal here.

"What do you have over here? An aisle. What do you have over here? An aisle. Nothing on either side of it."

There is one item at the grocery store you that give you no choice. Bananas. There's only one display with one brand.

For more consumer and investigative stories, follow Lechelle on Twitter @YatesInvestig8s and Like her at Facebook.com/LechelleYates.

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