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If your neighbor left these out & the storm put them through your window...

Who pays for the damage? Is it your insurance or your neighbor's?

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Severe weather threats usually have us worried about trees, whether it's our tree that falls or if it's a neighbor's tree, we're worried about tree damage and who pays.  But what about damage from the yard tools you used and left outside? They could fly into a window and cause damage, to your house or your neighbor's. The same could be said for that tent you put up in the backyard. 

Before you say, 'What are the chances of that happening', well that situation happened to our insurance expert. 

"A gust of wind blew that tent and it was barreling through the yard. Had we damaged someone else's car or house,  their insurance policy would pay for it and their insurance carrier would have pursued us if there were any legal ramifications," said Christopher Cook of Alliance Insurance Services.  

The answer to the question of who pays for damage is always the same.  If it happens to your property,  you file a claim with your insurance company and you pay.

Now, as Cook said, if your insurance company feels the neighbor was negligent in some way, then the company handles going after the neighbor. 

Since all this is about you paying out money, 2 Wants To Know went looking at ways for you to get a break on your homeowner's insurance. There are certain home improvement projects that can save you money on your homeowner's policy cost. 

"Electrical updates, plumbing updates, HVAC replacement,  especially roof replacement, sometimes even window replacement, and hot water heater replacements, are things you can get discounts for," said Cook. 

If you did any of those improvements, you need to call your insurance agent and see how those projects can help you save money. 

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