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Donate to storm victims: Designate your donation through the Red Cross

The Red Cross estimates it responds to 60,000 disasters worldwide each year. Besides money, the Red Cross needs volunteers.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — The latest string of tornadoes in the south has a lot of folks looking to donate to organizations that are on the ground helping families.

One of the most common organizations to do that is the Red Cross. The organization estimates they're involved in 60,000 disaster-related events worldwide every year ranging from impacting one family to thousands of people.

With so many disasters, it may surprise you that 90% of the Red Cross workforce are volunteers.

March is Red Cross month, with a focus on getting folks to see how they can fit in and volunteer. There is a VIRTUAL VOLUNTEER FAIR on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, from 3-4:30 pm.

More often than not when we see the Red Cross helping, whether it's right here at home or far away, the first thing we think about is how we can help with money or resources. The key here is money.

“They're like oh, someone lost their house in a fire or the house was wiped out in a tornado, I have things I can bring them and we do appreciate those, but the biggest impact you can have in supporting folks who are going through that is actually a financial donation. Those dollars can then be spent exactly where they need to be spent in regards to getting folks back on their feet,” said Ashley Collier, Red Cross District Manager, Charlotte service area.

When you give money, you can designate where it goes. Right now the drop-down menu includes the southern tornadoes up top and even a local Red Cross tab that would offer help for that local family maybe that you recently saw on TV.

“90 cents of every dollar that is donated to the Red Cross goes to benefit and support those who are affected by the disaster. We pride ourselves that those donations go to those most in need,” said Collier.


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