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Sheriff's Deputy gets a call from a scammer using his name!

It's funny, but the real message is for all of us to be aware that law enforcement doesn't call & ask for money.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — It's weird enough when you get a call that claims to be from someone with the IRS, the power company, or law enforcement. Now imagine just how strange it is when you are Sgt. Kevin Casey of the sheriff's department and you get a call from someone claiming to be you! 

"Some guy called me, pretending to be me," said Sgt. Kevin Casey of the York County Sheriff's Department in South Carolina. 

He got a voicemail that claimed Sgt. Casey needed to talk to him about some legal matter. The real Sgt. Casey called back only to be hung up at least once and then put to voice mail.

His boss, Sheriff Kevin R Tolson got into the act as well, leaving a message for the scammer. At one point, he called back but the number was then out of order. 

The real message the Sheriff had though wasn't for the scammer but for the public at large. 

"Folks, don't give money to callers. The Sheriff's office is never going to call you and ask for money. We send paperwork, we come in person. Don't succumb to a scammer," said Sheriff Kevin R. Tolson of the York County Sheriff's Department. 

Scammers often use the names of real law enforcement. Sometimes, they spoof the number making it look like they're calling you from the police or sheriff's office or some other real source.

Remember, no law enforcement will ask you for payment over the phone. it's not how they work. there's paperwork and court appearances.  If you're unsure, hang up. Look up the number to the local office and call them yourself. 


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