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Scanning Device Allows Thieves to Steal Cars

 When you park your car in a spot, you expect it to be there when you return. But cars with the popular key fobs are susceptible to a new devices thieves are using to hack and steal your vehicle. 

When you park your car in a spot, you expect it to be there when you return. But cars with the popular key fobs are susceptible to a new devices thieves are using to hack and steal your vehicle. 2 Wants to Know has told you before about how you should wrap your key fob in tin foil to block criminals from stealing the key's signal. But this new scanning device allows thieves to unlock, start, and drive away with your car.

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, the scanning device can be used to copy cat a car key fob. Thieves use a relay box to intercept the key fob's code. The code is then sent to a second box which enables it to unlock the car and drive off. The original boxes are made to be of aid to law enforcement, but thieves have been able to manufacture almost carbon copies. The devices can even save your key fob's code and use it to steal your car at a later time.

The best thing you can do to protect yourself is to be aware of your surroundings when you park. Typically, thieves who are looking to use the device to steal your car with suspiciously lurk around cars.

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