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Holiday decoration storage: Go for the Ziploc bags and red Solo cups

Professional organizer Katina Boyd of Declutter RX says start the holiday decoration take-down one room at a time.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Right now, every kind of holiday decoration and ornament storage unit is on sale. If that isn’t where you want to spend your money, or you don’t have time to get out, try the red Solo cup and Ziploc bags!

“Keep things contained by the room helps you do two things: one, it helps you see what you didn’t use that you can part with and two, it helps you say, I’d rather that wreath or that other decoration in another room instead. Going room by room is the key,” said Katina Boyd, professional organizer, DeclutterRX.com.

Here's where the red Solo cup comes in. You put the ornament in the cup, you stand the cups up in the box so they’re touching, and you put cardboard over them, making another level for more cups. It's a free storage unit in whatever box or bin you already have.

Many of us have been wrapping each item in bubble wrap or tissue paper, and it's such a mishmash, and you can’t see what is in the paper until you unwrap it. The Ziploc bags and cups make it easier to see.

When you take holiday decorations down, the house always looks so glum. Boyd says, decorating is for every season.

“I think decorating for winter is a good thing. Take out the blatantly Christmas décor. All the reds come down. Use your snowman, and display bare branches, and even the twinkle lights can stay. After Christmas, I think taking down all the bulky Christmas things, but decorating for winter helps with that letdown feeling,” said Boyd.


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