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Pediatricians Warn Food Additives Are Toxic To Children

Doctors say the chemical additives can lead to health issues like hormone disruptions, obesity, or cardio toxicity.

The American Academy of Pediatrics is calling for stronger federal regulations when it comes to more than 10,000 FDA approved chemicals added to food and food packaging.

"This is a huge statement by the nation's pediatricians saying 'look, our food safety system is failing to protect the health of our children,'" said Dr. Tara Narula, CBS News Medical Contributor.

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The concerns are about direct additives such as artificial coloring and nitrates and nitrites - a preservative commonly found in processed meat - as well as chemicals found in plastics such as bisphenols and phthalates.

Doctors say the additives can cause widespread health issues like hormone disruptions in sex hormones and thyroid hormones, obesity, or cardio toxicity.

The AAP says children are particularly vulnerable because they are still growing and developing.

Parents Stephanie and Chris Schobel are very careful about what their two young daughters eat.

"We definitely will look at the back of a package and say 'Hey, we're not going to buy this product, it's got - look at that long list of, preservatives or red dye or whatever else' and we'll find the one that is best for us," said Chris.

The FDA said in a statement: If new information suggests that a substance already in use may be unsafe or if consumption levels have changed in ways that could affect safety, the FDA can conduct further studies to review whether the use can still be considered safe.

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