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Man Lives Off Coca-Cola for Days: Here's How

It has to do with the ingredients in the can.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — An elderly Virginia man fell in his house and couldn't get up. He couldn't call for help. When help didn't come: he turned to the only thing he could reach to stay alive was Coca-Cola. He survived for five days by drinking Coca-Cola.

Neighbors and his mail carrier noticed they hadn't seen him and got him help. But how did he survive until that point on soda?

The answer is in their ingredient list. One of the main things dieters typically cut out can help people stay alive. Carbs!

Coca-cola has 39 grams of carbs. Our bodies need carbs for energy, so whether you get them from grains or somewhere else, you need them.

Look a little further down the back of the can, the first ingredient is carbonated water. Carbonated or not: you can't last more than a few days without water. So while getting it from soda isn't ideal, it can help the body keep functioning.      

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