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Eggs: What those labels really mean

Labels like farm fresh, natural or no hormones don't really mean anything.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — No dumb bunnies, only smart chicks on the egg aisle! Don't pay more for eggs just because you see labels like "farm fresh",  "natural" and "no hormones". These labels mean nothing.

"All eggs are from farms, and all eggs are natural, so 'farm fresh' and 'natural'
really has no clear meaning. And by law, chickens can't be given hormones. So a carton of eggs that have these claims isn't really any different from a carton that doesn't," said Trish Calvo of Consumer Reports

"Cage Free" is another misleading label. According to Consumer Reports, the hens aren't kept in cages,  but they could still be indoors and in crowded conditions.

 The "Free Range" label doesn't always look like how it sounds.

"Free Range birds aren't kept in cages and they do have outdoor access - but they can still be raised in crowded conditions and the outdoor area can be very tiny," said Calvo. 


According to Country Living, the biggest mistake most people make is putting the eggs into a pot of water and then bringing it to a boil. Instead, you should let the water boil first and then drop the eggs in, along with about 1/2 a cup of salt. Make sure there is an inch of water covering the eggs.

When the eggs are done, submerge the eggs in an ice bath for at least 5 minutes but up to 15 minutes. Peel the eggs under running water or in a water bath. 


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