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Keeping the stink out of your workout clothes

Going to the gym is tough enough for some people so at least make sure your clothes smell good. Putting on a stinky shirt is no fun for you or the person next to you

With the new year underway, many of us are hitting the gym as part of our New Year’s Resolutions. It’s great for your body, but all that sweat can mean stinky gym clothes.

Those new workout clothes may look great but after a few visits to the gym... they smell a lot.

The good news is that Consumer Reports discovered, it’s not you, it’s the fibers in those stretchy moisture-wicking fabrics that hold in the stink!

So before you think you may need to shower multiple times, just regularly wash your work out gear more often, “Sweat evaporates, but what’s left behind are odor-causing chemicals on the surface of the synthetic fibers. They can be difficult to wash out, and they can build up over time,” said Haniya Rae of Consumer Reports.

Part of the challenge in getting workout clothes clean is that some of them are made from more delicate fibers and may need special care to protect their shape and fit. So, what can you do to keep your leggings and t-shirts in tip-top shape?

First, try to wash them as soon as you finish working out! Don’t throw them in a locker or bag and use them several times before washing, “Keeping these synthetics bunched up and damp promotes bacterial growth, which gives off odors, making them smell even worse! Pretreat any stains and turn them inside out! This allows the water and detergent to focus on the soils that have accumulated on the inside of your clothes” said Rae.

Washing in cold water prevents fading and preserves the fit of these synthetic fibers. Choose the gentle cycle and if your washer has an extra rinse cycle, use it and be choosy about which detergent you use, “Our tests have found not all detergents are up to the task. The chemicals in sweat, and body oil, are especially difficult to remove and can attract other soils that increase odors,” said Rae.

Consumer Reports testing of laundry detergent finds Tide Plus Ultra Stain Release is excellent at removing body oil. A longer cycle should also help get the clothes a bit cleaner and less stinky.

Another tip when washing, be sure to read the detergent label and measure out the recommended amount. Excess detergent can cause residue that remains in your clothes, which can then trap odors.

Now once they’re clean DON’T make the mistake of tossing them in the dryer. While directions may vary, most experts suggest air-drying synthetics, even laying them flat, to protect the shape and fit.

These are some easy ways to keep all that gear looking and smelling great in the new year.

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