GREENSBORO, N.C. — The camera doorbell. It catches all kinds of things, especially when it's Halloween and there is an unmanned bowl of candy on the porch.
What will the trick-or-treaters do? We asked folks to send in their doorbell footage.
You can't see it in the video but there is a sign that says take two pieces of candy. It's early in the trick-or-treat night and the kids sift through to see what's there and take their two pieces.
About 20 minutes later, more kids, a little older read the sign, they acknowledge the camera, and talk about it. One of the trick-or-treaters puts her body so you can't see the candy bucket, but when they leave, there's still candy in there.
One last one from this neighborhood. Again, the kids read the sign, pick through to see what they want. One kid takes two handfuls, but there's still candy left in the bowl.
For the most part, the honor system worked. There was candy to go around for the entire night. The kids were happy. The neighbor had to feel encouraged.
Of course, for all these surprisingly good stories, there's always one that didn't go well.
This ring video was sent from a neighbor in Browns Summit.
The porch is all lit up and there's a description at the bottom of the video. It says: Kids stealing candy. We put out candy as a courtesy when we are not home. The kid stole the whole bucket.
This News 2 viewer doesn't want to call the police or anything. He really just wants an apology and an acknowledgment that the actions spoiled it for the rest.