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Caregivers, this is for you! The virtual conference on Nov 4 is free.

No matter what age you are, if you help another adult do life, this conference is for you.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — It's estimated more than 40 million adults are caregivers in some form or fashion. From taking a loved one to doctor appointments here and there, doing their grocery shopping for them weekly or daily being responsible for their care. Whether a little to a lot, chances are, you could use a little help yourself.

The 2022 National Caregiver Symposium is for you. It's called, “I'm tired, please help”. This is a virtual conference on Friday, November 4, 2022, from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. It's free.

“We all get burnt out and that's what the conference is helping to deal with, the stresses of caregiving and burnout and family dynamics and how do you talk about end-of-life issues, all of those kinds of decision making,” said Amy Goyer, Keynote speaker, and AARP National Family and Caregiving Expert.

 The conference is free, but you do need to register for it. Once you register, if you find you need to cut out early, you can always go back and watch the conference on your own time.

“My philosophy that I developed while I was caregiving is that I think of myself like my car. If I don’t fill my tank, I can’t keep going. It has to be very practical because as caregivers we feel guilty if we do things for ourselves. So, when I thought about it in a very practical way, my car won't’ keep running if I don’t put fuel in it, so what fuels me? This is going to take a little more time, but this is going to fill you up in an even better way and fuel you even better. Taking time to do these things makes us better caregivers,” said Goyer.


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