When you take probiotics, you expect it to make you feel better. The idea is for the good bacteria to balance out the bad bacteria in your stomach. But a new study shows you may need to think more about the safety of those products.
The results were published in the Annals of Internal Medicine researched 384 clinical trials. Out of all the studies, only 9 of them sufficiently reported the safety of the product they studied. And a third never even discussed safety.
This might not mean much for you if you’re relatively healthy. Experts say probiotics don’t pose much of a risk to most relatively healthy people. But chronically ill people and those dealing with compromised immune systems are more susceptible to infection. Some patients have even died after being given probiotics when they weren’t healthy.
If you still want the benefits but are a little leery of supplements, experts say there are plenty of foods that offer them naturally. Try yogurt, soft cheeses, or even sourdough bread.