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2 Test: Pedi Paws

Professional Nail Grooming Costs $15-$20 A Month. This Product Is Just $9.99, But It Comes With A Time Commitment.

GREENSBORO, NC -- The American Kennel Club estimates dog owners pay out $1,500  a year to care for their four-legged friend. Here's a quick look at the breakdown: $446 food, $217 toys & treats, $223 boarding/pet sitting, $423 vet care and another $190 for grooming. It's a big bill! 

2WTK went looking for a cost saver when it comes to the last expense, grooming. For just $9.99 The makers of Pedi Paws calls their product "The Incredible Pet Nail Trimmer". Normal nail grooming costs bewteen $15-$20 a month. 



What makes this nail trimmer different than a regular clipper? 

"The difference with this is, it  isn't supposed to crack, splinter or break the dog's nails which clipping them would do, so I guess that's a good thing," says our 2Tester Olivia. 

The box reads: fast, easy and gentle. But that's after you read all these instructions."It takes days,you can't just open this and expect to start filing your dog's nails down. You have to train them on it for a while."

Olivia has been doing with her dog Emory for the last week or so. She let Emory, a black Lab,  sniff the trimmer, turned it on so the dog could get used to the buzz and even held the buzzer part near her paw so she could feel it. The directions tell you  to use treats and praise while you train your pet. Emory doesn't mind that part at all but when it comes to getting in position for filing, it takes a little doing. 


The directions show you how to hold the dog, basically a bear hug. Once there, it takes just a few seconds." Once you actually put the nail to the file is when she was not having it."

Onto dog number 2, Mia. At just 12 pounds, she's a whole lot easier for Olivia to keep still. Again, it takes just a few seconds on each nail.

"If you have the time I would recommend it. If you have the time to train your pet on it everyday.It's not a one time use thing, you're not going to open it up and use it."

Olivia says Mia, all of four months old,  did better partly because in her short little life, she's had her nails filed by a product like this before. Emory, who is 8, has not.  You know your dog best and whether the week of training is worth your time.

The Pedi Paws is $9.99 and a refill of 12 new filing heads is $12. You can find the product on line but also stores like Walmart and Bed Bath and Beyond. 



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