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Back to school: Get kids on sleep schedules and up to date on vaccines

School starts for most students on August 28. Make sure your student is ready with any vaccine or physical they may need.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Most students will head back to school on August 28, the first day of school for many on traditional school calendars. 

Getting ready to head back to school starts now and should include a stop at the doctor's office.

Between annual checkups, sports physicals, and required vaccines, there are lots of things to get done before students return to class. 

Another big area of back-to-school preparation includes getting kids back on a school sleep schedule. 

Don't wait until the night before school to get kids ready to wake up on time for the first day. Start them at an earlier bedtime about a week before school starts and get them up at the same time they will need to get up during the school year. 

Starting this routine early can help kids be ready for the first day. 

"Kids do great having a routine," said Dr. Nicole Chandler from the Tim and Carolynn Rice Center for Child and Adolescent Health. 

School immunizations are also important to remember.

"It's our first and easiest way to protect our kids against very serious deadly diseases. Really, it's as easy as buckling your seatbelt," Dr. Chandler said.

Call your child's pediatrician's office to find out if they are up to date on their vaccines. You may also be able to access these records through your MyChart.

Your provider will also be able to tell you what vaccines your child needs before starting school.


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