GREENSBORO, N.C. — A controversial book will stay in one Guilford County high school.
Guilford County School (GCS) board members made the decision after parents at Northern Guilford High wanted it pulled.
After hearing why the board upheld previous decisions, the question was finally answered.
Will it stay or will it go?
After months and months of back and forth between some Northern Guilford High School parents and the Guilford County School board, the book titled, "Salvage the Bones," will remain a part of the Northern's Advancement Placement 12th grade English course—with a 6-2 vote.
A decision that has left some parents with more questions than answers.
"This book crosses the line, it's got obscene and pornographic material in it. They could have picked another book, there are hundreds of other books that they could have chosen from. But they chose this one and there's a reason, and I don't think it has anything to do with education." Elena Wachendorfer, Northern Guilford High School Parent said.
Multiple Parents from Northern Guilford High School have shared their displeasure with this reading selection for months—and this was not the first time the book was protested.
Guilford County School says if parents and students are not comfortable with some of the more mature themes found in "Salvage the Bones", they do provide an alternative read for those who want to opt-out.
"At GCS we are lucky to have a policy that helps guide the selection of materials that are used for our students. Under that policy 3200R, we find that "Salvage The Bones", meets the criteria to support the curriculum and to help students think critically about subjects that are different from theirs," Natalie Strange, Director of Library Media Services, Guilford County Schools added.
After an hour and a half of intense discussion between parents and the board, Guilford County Schools board voted to keep the book in northern Guilford's advanced placement English curriculum with a tally of 6 to 2.