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Dozens in Stokes County rally against bullying

Family of Kallie Fagg say the community has zero tolerance for the act

STOKES COUNTY, N.C. — The Stokes community held a rally to push the school district and the community as a whole to revisit conversations about how to best support our kids, build strong relationships, and stop bullying.

This comes after eighth grader Kallie Fagg from Southeastern Stokes Middle died by suicide. Her father tells us he is touched by the support of the community. 

"She would be tickled to see how many people are rallying around her and we think were going to bring about real change in the county and that's what matters most," Jimmy Fagg said. 

Dozens of people gathered at First Christian Church in Walnut Cove. Organizers made signs and talked about what Kallie meant to them.

"She was always happy and she always had a good attitude. she literally could walk in a room and brighten somebody's day automatically just because like she would be herself no matter what," cousin Briana Davis said. 

The gathering was to send a message to Stokes County Schools, to make bullying prevention a priority.
A spokesperson for the district says they recently revised their bullying policy. The Board of Education approved increased punishment for bullying, including the loss of extra-curricular activities, increased suspensions among other things.

In a statement, Superintendent Dr. Brad Rice wrote, "During the aftermath, many expressed they feel bullying is either not reported or swept under the rug. As Superintendent, and on behalf of the Stokes County Schools' Board of Education it is imperative all students and families understand the actions we have recently taken to enhance the safety and well-being of our students."

The district says there is now a link to report bullying on all school websites. Parents are also asked to talk with their kids about treating each other with dignity and respect. Kallie's dad says he won't stop until he knows bullying is prioritized in Stokes County Schools.

"Nobody else should have to go through what my family has," Fagg said. 

Kallie's wake is tonight and her funeral is Saturday. 

Full statement from Stokes County Schools: 

On August 30, 2023, Stokes County Schools experienced a tragic event that shook our entire community. Kallie Fagg, an 8th-grade student at Southeastern Stokes Middle School, died by suicide. During the aftermath, many expressed they feel bullying is either not reported or “swept under the rug.” As Superintendent, and on behalf of the Stokes County Schools’ Board of Education, it is imperative all students and families understand the actions we have recently taken to enhance the safety and well-being of our students.

On each school website, there is a link to report bullying. Please do not assume someone else has reported the bullying or that the victim has advocated for himself or herself. We would rather receive multiple reports than not receive a report.

The Board of Education also approved increased punishment for bullying, including the loss of extra-curricular activities, increased suspensions, referrals for counseling services, and revocation of transfers. Specific details will be released in the coming days through letters, phone calls, and a revision to the student handbook. Please talk to your children about how to treat each other with dignity and respect. -  Dr. Brad Rice

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