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Deputy Accused Of Spanking, Torturing Naked Girls And Videotaping It

The deputy who is a detention officer,is accused of recording thespankings andtorturing two young girls.

Click here to watch WTSP's Story on this case.Read:Robin Pagoria's arrest affidavit (PDF) WARNING: Graphic content "She tortured, humiliated and whipped two children who she had access to," said Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd. "She videotaped it so she could fine tune her techniques." But detectives say Pegoria also shared the video with an online boyfriend who she had never met in person. The unidentified man was said to have a say in how the girls were punished. "To tell you I'm sick to my stomach is an understatement, not just because she's a detention deputy, but to think any adult would conduct themselves in that manner is horrific," said Sheriff Judd. Pagoria spent 26 years as a US Marine before joining the Sheriff's office six years ago. Sheriff Judd said she underwent extensive background checks, psychological screenings and polygraph tests before she was hired. He says there is no evidence of any abuse while she was on the job at the jail. She told detectives she spanked the girls for misbehaving and to humiliate them into no longer breaking rules. She also admitted to having a spanking fetish and was found in possession of a CD with other spanking images according to detectives. Sheriff Judd says investigators are looking into additional charges, and will go after anyone else found connected to the crime. Pagoria was booked into the Polk County Jail Thursday afternoon, the same facility where she worked the night shift. Employees at the jail say they too are shocked by the news and knew nothing of their co-workers spanking fetish. Pagoria was disciplined following a domestic incident with her husband and following an incident where she refused to have a staff photo taken at the jail. Otherwise, she was considered a solid employee according to the Sheriff. Pagoria will made a first appearance in front of a judge Friday afternoon via closed circuit television from the Polk County Jail.Click onWTSP to follow this story. />

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