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Two postal workers robbed at Greensboro apartment complexes

Greensboro police said criminals stole from postal workers at two different apartment complexes.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Robbers are targeting neighborhood mail carriers. The most recent incident was last week.   

According to a Greensboro police report, a mail carrier doing drop-offs was robbed at gunpoint at the Reserve at Greenwood apartments on Carowill Drive. 

Four days later, a postal worker was robbed while delivering mail to the Hedges Apartments on Cottage Place. 

Police haven't shared what the thieves got away with or if they've been caught.

USPS said during the first half of this year, more than 300 mail carriers were robbed across the country.

And more than 25,000 mail receptacles like blue collection boxes were targeted. 

To reduce criminals' access to your mail, USPS rolled out a plan to protect postal employees and crack down on theft. 

It includes adding high-security blue collection boxes and replacing master keys with electronic locks. 

Patrick Desota with Greensboro police said the department sees crime waves like this during the holiday season.

"Most calls this year consist of larceny and porch pirates. They may see the packages out there and they say, I'm going to go after these and maybe get something good," Desota said. "Those are the two main calls that pop up this time of year." 

Crimes of opportunity are what criminals are looking for. Desota said they're desperate. 

"They are looking for ways to get money. They could come by your car, look into your car, and see something shiny and they can go sell that and make a little extra money," Desota said. "People do get desperate this time of year. "

The best way to protect yourself from thieves is to lock your doors, keep values out of sight, and customize your package deliveries. 

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