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Police urging gun owners to store guns inside home, not in car

As gun thefts are on rise, police are asking gun owners to make sure their firearms and locked inside their homes and not left in the car.

GUILFORD COUNTY, N.C. — Gun thefts from cars are on the rise across the country. A new report found the number has tripled in the last decade. The concerning trend is shining new light on gun storage safety.

Police and gun owners agree. Anyone who owns a firearm needs to lock them or store them when they’re not using them.

Last year, thieves stole more than 30 guns out of cars in Guilford County, according to the sheriff's office. Six months into 2024, that number is 10. While you might not realize it, police say when burglars break into cars, they’re looking for guns. Making sure your weapons don't become the next used in a crime is something the sheriff's office said should be a top priority.

“Can’t emphasize enough how dangerous it is to leave your weapons locked in your vehicle. I always say,” said Master Corpora Patrick O’Brien with the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office. “Take your guns out of the vehicle, bring them inside your house, and secure them in a safe place.”

Dan Robins, part-owner of Big Stones Armory, agreed. He said using a gun lock or storing them in a safe is your best bet. However, never leave them in a car.

“No one should be leaving a firearm in a car at night or any valuables, but especially not a firearm,” Robbins said. “The firearm needs to be locked where no one can utilize it except the person that’s been trained to use it, especially children.”

To combat this issue, both Greensboro Mayor Nancy Vaughan and High Point Mayor Cyril Jefferson are teaming up. Last week, the pair put out a PSA hoping to get more guns out of people's cars and into homes, away from thieves looking to take them.

"The majority of those, a large majority, were stolen out of cars," Vaughan said. “A number of people don't lock their cars and they leave guns in their cars, so our message really is that is not being a responsible gun owner."

Not only can a stolen gun be used to hurt someone in a violent crime, a gun that's unsecured is also dangerous for children. One experienced gun owner tells me he always makes sure his are out of reach and locked away.

“All my ammunition, all my guns, everything is stored in a gun safe,” Dwayne Giffin said. “If you have them in the home, you need to make sure that your kids are aware these are not toys, they, you know, do make a loud noise and they can do a lot of harm.”

The Greensboro Police Department said thieves have stolen items from more than 1,100 cars so far in 2024. Police are asking you to do your part to make sure your gun isn't the next to be taken by a thief and used for harm.

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