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North Carolina Department of Justice offers certain protections for survivors of stalking, abuse

The Address Confidentiality Program helps protect the addresses of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and human trafficking victims.

NORTH CAROLINA, USA — Editor's note: The video above is from a story done by our VERIFY Team about a SCOTUS ruling on stalking made in July.

Around 13.5 million Americans are stalked every year, according to the Stalking Prevention, Awareness and Resource Center. The Center also said one in three stalkers have stalked before, and 19% of stalkers are strangers to their victims.

On Nov. 19, the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office said a man followed a woman home from Walmart. They said 25-year-old Trevor Lewis was found hiding under her car.

Since the Sheriff's Office announced Lewis' arrest, they said several other women have come forward saying they were also victims of Lewis.

They said Lewis was being held in jail without bond.

The North Carolina Department of Justice has an Address Confidentiality Program to help survivors keep abusers from discovering their new addresses.

The program works by assigning a substitute address to survivors who moved to escape abuse, according to the NCDOJ. Mail sent to that substitute address is then forwarded to the survivor by the Attorney General's office. They said the survivors' addresses are kept a secret.

Survivors can use the substitute address to register to vote, get a driver's license, and sign up for utilities like water and electricity, according to the NCDOJ.

How to sign up

Survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking are all eligible for the Address Confidentiality Program. Survivors also have to move, or be in the process of moving to a new address, and sign a statement that they fear for their safety or the safety of their children to be eligible for the program, according to the NCDOJ.

Survivors have to talk to an application assistant to enroll in the program. The assistants are located at a domestic violence or sexual assault center. The program manager can also be contacted by email or phone.

Become an Application Assistant

The NC Attorney General's Office said it has trained more than 400 people to help enroll survivors in the Address Confidentiality Program.

You can attend a training seminar to become a certified application assistant through the NCDOJ. For more information, you can email or call the Department of Justice.

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