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Middle schooler raises over $1,000 in three days with help from community

Uwharrie Charter Academy's Colton Dixon wrote letters to local businesses to help raise money for Water for South Sudan. Three days later, he met the goal.

RANDOLPH COUNTY, N.C. — For the past 7 years, Suzanne Bryant's 7th grade classes at Uwharrie Charter Academy have been doing a literal life-giving fundraiser.

"We participate in the Iron Giraffe Challenge; Water for South Sudan encourages schools and other groups to try to raise $1000 each year, which helps build wells to provide clean water for the people and their villages," Bryant said.

Between the months of January to May, Bryant and her class have consistently met the goal, however, this time was a little different.

"We have met our goal, every year, but this year, we had extra help from Colton Dixon to reach that goal a little faster than we normally do," said Bryant.

In her class, 7th grader Colton Dixon had taken it upon himself to go a little above and beyond.

"The number was around $60 of our $1000 goal, and it was nowhere close to being completed, and after that point, I started writing emails and letters," Dixon said.

For his part, Dixon wrote to over 20 different businesses across Randolph County in his hopes to get to that $1000 dollar goal.

"I actually get an email every time someone donates online through our Water for South Sudan fundraising page, and so I was getting like email after email and I was like, 'What is happening?' because it was all of the sudden and then his mom reached out and let me know what was going on," said Bryant.

"It felt amazing to know that people were willing to donate for our cause," Dixon added.

Within three days, Dixon's class had met their goal in record time. Still, there are still plenty of days left before the May deadline.

"We reached the $1000 goal, what now? Well, we immediately hung up another poster to try and get us to $2000," Bryant said.

It's because of Dixon, they can now go past that initial goal – and Bryant hopes it sets an example.

"I hope everybody who's middle school age and younger, realizes that even people who are not adults can make a huge difference in the world, just like Colton did," Bryant said.

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