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Greensboro cracks down on panhandling at busy intersections

You may have noticed new signs posted near the roadways, reminding people of the city of Greensboro’s 2018 ordinance.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Driving around Greensboro, you might have noticed some new signs at busy intersections asking people to stay off the medians.

Some signs read "no standing or sitting any time".

WFMY News 2 spoke with city officials Tuesday to find out why the signs are going up.

In 2018, the city of Greensboro passed an ordinance trying to prevent pedestrians from standing or sitting on the medians along some of our most busy roads.

Four years later, not much has changed.

"I would say I hear weekly from people who are concerned about people who are in very thin medians. Some of those medians have a drop-off on them and it's easy to trip or fall away if you're walking around," Greensboro deputy city manager Chris Wilson said.

The city is now placing signs in an effort to discourage pedestrians from lingering.

Some feel these signs are targeting a specific community.

"In reference to the homeless community, not everyone who is doing that is without housing. We are not getting into deciphering who is and isn't. Our focus is really on safety and we want to make sure nobody gets hit by a car," Wilson said.

Right now, the city has put up 29 signs with the possibility of more to come in the future.

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