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A community gem catches fire in Tobaccoville

The fellowship hall behind New Bethel Baptist Church caught fire and is closed for safety concerns.

TOBACCOVILLE, N.C. — An investigation is underway, as Forsyth County fire officials work to figure out what burnt down a fellowship hall at New Bethel Baptist Church in Tobaccoville.

The fellowship hall is located at the back of the church at 6340 Ridge Rd. 

The hall was a go-to for newlyweds. A dozen wedding receptions were held in the past 16 years.

Now the building is barely standing after a fire broke out May 30th. 

For two church members, the hall was home to precious memories. Roy and Michelle Eddleman said they shared many life milestones.

"We were married in the year of 2000 on October 24th.  It was a wonderful experience and a small wedding of course," Mr. Eddleman said.

"Whether it's family related or church family related. It's heartbreaking because all those memories come back and they're gone," Mrs. Eddleman recalled. 

First Lady of New Bethel Carolyn Jones Robertson said the building also served as safe place for the community. 

"Our AA groups meet here twice a month and they are supplied with dinner," Robertson said. 

Robertson said the building is closed until further notice for safety concerns. Forsyth County fire officials said the fellowship hall caught fire around 4:30 a.m. last week. No one was hurt. Robertson said the cause could of been an electrical issue. 

"They think it's a motion light that was defective," she shared, "The neighbor across the street saw that the light was on so it had a malfunctioned in some way."

The fire charred about half the building, it was so destructive it caused a part of the roof to collapse. Robertson said the hall did not have insurance coverage. 

"We did not know until we inquired at the time and realized that it was not insured. We are just praying the Lord will take over from here," she said.

Robertson said the church is working with experts to find out how much damage was done and what is needed to fix it. 

If you pass by New Bethel Baptist Church you can see a large orange dumpster outside. The church plans to have a clean-up event next Saturday at 7 a.m. to get rid of the debris from the fire. 

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