GREENSBORO, N.C. — Cooper Dunning has taken the famous Sunset Hills neighborhood tradition and taken it to the next level.
If you're not familiar, the Sunset Hill neighborhood is famous throughout the country for its unique Christmas displays every year.
The Dunning's have lived in this neighborhood for 15 years, and their 12-year old son Cooper has taken a real interest in the annual hanging of the Holiday Balls.
For the last three years, the Dunning's have been making their own holiday balls and selling them to neighbors and for anyone who wants to purchase them, but this year is different.
Cooper has taken over the duties as head ball maker and is now 100% responsible for production and sales.
This year has been the most profitable year for Cooper and the Dunning's, selling over 500 Holiday Balls.
Things are going so well that Cooper has run out of supplies, "I can't find any more lights, so I can't make any more balls".
Not only is Cooper saving up his profits for college, but he's giving back to his community as well. He's donated a considerable portion of his profits to the Greensboro Urban Ministry.
I spoke with Executive Director Myron Wilkins about what Cooper's donation would do for the Greensboro Urban Ministry "Cooper's donation is great because we can take the money and apply it to many different needs... Here we not only help with food insecurities, but with housing, and financial assistance as well".
You can follow Cooper's business page on Instagram @cooperschristmasballs.