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How to reset your financial goals this Summer

From paying down debt to saving money, Money Expert Ja'Net Adams shares ways to reestablish your financial goals.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — It's halfway through the year and it's time to get your money goals back on track! From paying down debt to saving money, Money Expert Ja'Net Adams of Debt Sucks University shares the best ways to reach your goals. 

Summer Slump

The summer is in full swing and the year is halfway over. In the summer we can start to slack on our financial goals because we no longer have the excitement of the New Year resolutions and everyone around us is pressuring us to enjoy the outside. This is not the time to fall into the summer slump with your finances so how can you climb your way out?

Remember Your Why

With the sunshine outside it is easy to forget why you were working so hard on your finances at the beginning of the year. Now is the time to remember your why. Why you want to be out of debt, why you want to save money, those whys are the reason you started your financial journey and it is the reason you can't lose focus just because it is summer and you want to sit outside all day.

Revisit Your Financial Goals

When was the last time you looked at your financial goals? A week ago? Four months ago? Now is the time to sit down, look at those financial goals, and see where you are and what adjustments need to be made. You also need to implement short-term action steps to move your financial goals forward. Instead of saying I am going to save $600 in three months, break it down into smaller steps and say I am going to save $50 a week for the next 12 weeks because that sounds like a less scary number than $600.


This is your glass half-full or half-empty moment. This is not the time to look at the summer as half of the year is gone and I have only got this far with my financial goals. Now is the time to say I still have half a year to accomplish my financial goals. It is all about having a positive outlook because that is the only way to gain the energy to finish this year strong!

This is your wake-up call to get out of the summer slump!

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