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How to forgive yourself

On National Forgiveness Day, Blanca Cobb explains self-forgiveness and how to do it.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Today is National Forgiveness Day. We often think of forgiveness as something we offer to others; we tend to forget that the most important form of forgiveness is self-forgiveness.

Self-forgiveness is about letting go of guilt, shame, or regret over past mistakes or behavior. It's about accepting that you're human, which means you'll mess up from time to time. When you hold onto negative emotions, they can impact your mental health, relationships, and quality of life.

Some people think that self-forgiveness means forgetting or ignoring your mistakes. But that's not the situation. Self-forgiveness is about owning up to your past actions, learning from them, and choosing to move forward without making the same mistakes and handling situations differently.

There are different ways to forgive yourself. You might find it helpful to write a letter to yourself or write in a journal where you express

your feelings and thoughts and forgive what you've done. Others find that therapy is the way to go. Figure out what's best for you.

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