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What makes people save photos?

Body language expert Blanca Cobb talks about how photos are a visual record of your life.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — You can't walk anywhere without someone snapping a photo of themselves, with family or friends, or of food. September is Save Your Photos Month. Let's talk about the sentimental and psychological reasons behind saving photos.

People take photos for different reasons. Photos are a visual record of your life, capturing moments, emotions, and relationships. They help you connect with your past, relive cherished experiences, and create a sense of continuity. Additionally, photos can serve as a form of self-expression and a way to share your stories with others.

Saving photos can have a big impact on your emotional well-being. Photos can comfort you, make you feel nostalgic, and give you a sense of belonging. Photos can also help you process difficult emotions, such as grief or loss, by providing a tangible connection to the past.

Deciding to delete or throw away photos after a friendship or relationship ends is a complex decision with no easy answer. Here are a few things to consider.  First, do you have positive or negative feelings when you look at the photos? Second, think about the future. Would you regret deleting them? Third, think about closure. Would deleting the photos give you closure and allow you to move on? Lastly, consider storing the photos. My best advice for you is not to delete or throw away the photos when you're feeling hurt or angry. If not, then emotions and not logic make the decision, which you're only likely to regret later.

Share your thoughts on my Facebook page: Blanca Cobb – Body Language Expert. Write a message on my timeline, and I'll get back to you. While you're on my page, I'd appreciate it if you give my page a "like."


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