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A casino could be coming to Rockingham County and hundreds of people aren't happy about it

Over 2,600 people have signed a petition against re-zoning an area that could become a place for a casino in Rockingham County.

ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, N.C. — Several people have different opinions about a possible casino coming to Rockingham County and those opposed gathered Tuesday night. 

However, hundreds of people do not want it to happen. Over 2,600 people signed a petition against re-zoning acres near Highway 220. 

Those opposed are meeting at Ellisboro Baptist Church. 

In a nutshell, people shared a few reasons why they wouldn't support a casino: 

The area requested for rezoning sits beside Camp Carefree, they fear a casino would interrupt the camp operations, they think a casino would take away from the beauty of the countryside, and they say it could bring traffic and congestion to the highway. 

“They take care of children. Some that have disabilities and other things and it's just a place for them to come. You’ve got a camp and you’ve got this big monstrosity beside. It's going to take away from their memories being made. Since 1986, it's about people, places, and things. I just think it will take away from the countryside," Rockingham County resident, Doug Isley said. 

Rockingham County is comprised of four towns and two cities. The city of Eden sits at the top of the county. 

Eden's mayor said in recent years they have started to bounce back from the absence of mills and the recession. 

“Like many of the small towns, textile-based towns, Eden experienced a decrease in jobs that were available. We also lost the Miller Coors brewing facility and a lot of jobs went with that, but we’ve rebounded with the new companies coming into town. Obviously, Nestle Purina is going to be a big impact on our economy, so it’s good to have good paying jobs that are coming back after years of decline," Mayor Neville Hall said.

While Hall said the casino will not directly impact Eden. He said it could boost their economy. Hall said a potential casino could bring money and younger people to the area. 

Census data shows the county's population hasn't grown within the past 10 years. 

Isley agrees some sort of business could bring money to the area but doesn't think a casino is the answer. 

RELATED: Community concern about potential commercial development near Rockingham County camp for children with disabilities

RELATED: Community and lawmakers react to possible Rockingham County casino

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