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Why we should continue remembering 9/11

Blanca Cobb explains why remembering the tragedy of September 11th and how it still impacts people.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Tomorrow marks the 22nd anniversary of the Sept. 11 tragedy of 2001. Close to four thousand lives were lost by the terrorist attacks on US soil. Every year, we honor the lives lost and the freedom we still have here in our country.

It's important not to forget the thousands of lives lost on Sept. 11 and the sacrifices of the victims, first responders, civilians, and military who courageously helped. Never forgetting Sept. 11 helps keep our vigilance for national security and counter-terrorism efforts.

Many people still get emotional when they think of Sept. 11. Many survivors still struggle with what happened. It was unbelievable and scary that a massive terrorist attack could happen within our borders. Our freedom and safety were momentarily scattered. Air travel hasn't been the same, such as airport security measures.

The attack against our country brought out extreme patriotism. Americans have felt a deep pride and need to protect our country and citizens. It's instinct to want to protect - our country and our citizens.  Some people joined the armed forces to continue to defend our country. Others proudly showed American flags as a sign of solidarity and unity.

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