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Why random acts of kindness are important and how they benefit your health

Everyone can use a helping hand every now and then. Blanca Cobb explains how small acts of kindness are important and benefits everyone.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — This week is National Random Acts of Kindness Week. Often, our world can feel divided, and it’s easy to lose sight of the simple power of kindness.

Being kind can change someone’s life, perspective, and attitude and can give them hope. Being kind requires you to be considerate of another person. Being kind is treating someone with respect and talking to someone nicely. Giving compliments, helping someone do something, running an errand, listening when someone is talking to you, and holding the door open are a few examples of kindness.

Being kind to others triggers the release of feel-good hormones like oxytocin and serotonin, which increases happiness and reduces stress. Kindness can strengthen your relationship because it fosters a connection and trust. Kindness leads to a chain reaction of positivity because people share the kindness they feel. For example, your partner hurts your feelings, and instead of reacting angrily, you show them graciousness by speaking politely and nicely about the situation. Not only are you handling the situation well, but you’re also showing graciousness. And more than likely, they’ll show graciousness when you do something that hurts their feelings.

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