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Raising bullying awareness: How to know if your child is the bully

Body language expert Blanca Cobb shares ways to spot if your child is the one exhibiting bad behaviors.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — October is National Bullying Prevention Month. One way to prevent bullying is to identify signs of potential bullying. This is what Blanca Cobb, who has a master’s degree in psychology, and I are talking about this morning.

Most parents raise their children to be kind, use nice words, and keep their hands to themselves. If your child isn’t being kind, then many parents feel like it’s a direct reflection of their parenting and, as a result, may not want to identify their child’s behavior as bullying. They might minimize their child’s actions as “kids being kids.”

Most kids won’t tell their parents that they’re instigating problems with other kids. Usually, kids who bully other kids make excuses as to why they behaved inappropriately with another child. Parents should observe their kid's problem-solving abilities, temperament, impulse control, and word choices for clues into how they might interact with other kids. Also, look at how your child interacts with you and their siblings for clues.

If your child has bullying tendencies, you want to remain calm. Talk to your child about what you saw (their behavior) and ask them to help you understand their actions. Then, based on what they say, you want to teach them empathy, perspective-taking, stress management, and conflict-resolution skills. Additionally, you want clear expectations for appropriate behavior and consequences for inappropriate behavior.

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