GREENSBORO, N.C. — President-Elect, Joe Biden, will become the 46th President of the United States on January 20.
The inauguration will be like no other as Americans will be watching on virtual screens instead of in person because of the Covid-19 pandemic. This means that Biden will be giving any remarks before a limited number of people in person.
Speaking in front of a crowd is energizing. You can feel the energy from the crowd. When you have a crowd of supporters who believe in you and want to hear you speak and you’re connecting with them as you’re talking then your adrenaline runs high. You feed off of the energy of the crowd.
On the other hand, speaking to a televised crowd would limit distractions for sure, but also the energy as well.
Focusing on your message and envisioning who you’re talking to and remembering how you’re helping them through the virtual screen can boost your energy.
Keep in mind that talking directly into a camera can decrease your energy, so you have to intentionally boost it up. Bring extra high levels of energy and enthusiasm.
If you speak to a crowd virtually, here’s a simple tip, which is easily overlooked. Look directly into the camera because it’s as if you’re looking at your audience in the eye. This is a way to make a connection and project warmth to the person watching you.
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