GREENSBORO, N.C. — With the start of the school year, some kids aren't happy with their teacher. Sometimes, it's because of things that they've heard. And other times, it's because of interactions with a particular teacher.
Here are suggestions for helping your child handle the situation with their teacher.
A common mistake to avoid when your child tells you that they don't like their teacher is to dismiss or minimize what they're saying. Saying something like, "Oh, they can't be that bad." Or, you immediately side with your child without understanding what's really happening. Extreme responses aren't helpful.
When your child tells you they don't like their teacher, you want to find out what they mean. Sometimes, kids are blowing off stream and say that they hate their teacher when they really mean that their teacher annoyed them. Instead, acknowledge their feelings and ask for specific examples so you can understand what's happening. When children complain about their teacher, they tend to focus on only the negative. When asking your child clarifying questions, ask them to tell you times when their teacher was nice, helpful, and understanding.
Young children can be great at problem-solving when their parent coaches them. After your child shares their perspective, help them find solutions to the different problems. Allow them to handle the situation before you jump in and talk to the teacher.
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