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Advice for teaching kids how to forgive

Blanca Cobb joins us with advice on how to teach children the important life lesson.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — This morning we're talking about an important life skill for children. That is forgiveness. Today happens to be National Forgiveness Day. So, how do you explain forgiveness to children? You can explain that forgiveness is letting go of anger or hurt feelings towards someone who has done something wrong against you or someone you love. It's like saying you're okay now, even though what happened wasn't nice.

If your child is wondering why they should forgive someone who hurt them, you can explain that forgiveness is a powerful tool for healing. It helps you let go of negative emotions and thoughts about the person and the situation. It's like letting go of something heavy.

There are a few steps in teaching your child how to forgive. First, your child should deal with their emotions and thoughts about the person who hurt them and the situation. Sometimes, venting their feelings can be healing. Second, teach your child how to understand other people's perspectives about why they might have said or done what they did. Maybe they didn't mean to hurt your child. Third, role play with your child what to say when they forgive someone.

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