GREENSBORO, N.C. — As your child makes new friends, it's common that the parents of the children see each other at school, drop off, pick up, sports, and after-school activities. Many times, parents can develop friendships as well.
A great way to get to know other parents at your kid's school is to chat with them when you see them. Start conversations about their kid and yours. Find out the interests of their child and family. See the similarities and find ways to get things together with both of your kids. Invite the parents and their child to your home or meet them at a park or sporting event.
You can still be friendly and casually social with parents who you may not have a lot in common. You support the friendship between their child and yours without being the best of friends.
Children won't always get along. When they have disagreements, as a parent, they want to step back and let the children figure it out for themselves unless the situation is out of control. If you need to call the other parent, you want to avoid blaming and anger. Talk about the situation's specifics without emotion and focus on ways to help the kids solve the problem.
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