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Navigating new Apple video messages

Body language expert, Blanca Cobb, explains how video messages can impact communication.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Apple's new iOS 17 operating system, released in September, has a new feature where iPhone users can leave a video message for unanswered FaceTime calls—no more missed notifications. Instead, you can see and hear the person leaving you a message.

A video voicemail can add an extra dimension of personalness to your message. You respond when you see someone on video, see their smile, hear their voice, and see their face. Additionally, you can show where you are (restaurant) or what you're doing (having dinner). It makes the message more personal.

An impromptu video voicemail can help you get more comfortable being on camera. It's an informal message, but you're doing it on camera. It's relaxed where you're not dressing up or worried about your background. It's just you, wherever you are, leaving a video voicemail. You can get used to being on camera, which helps demystify the virtual world like Zoom meetings.

The most important tip to come across naturally on a video voicemail is to be yourself. Imagine that you're leaving a regular voicemail. Look into the camera lens and talk. It's easy to do something else when leaving a regular voicemail because no one can see what you're doing. But with a video voicemail, it's important to look into the camera and leave your message. If not, you give the impression that you're distracted and not focused on the call. Remember to smile, particularly when you say hello and goodbye, just like in person. And your message should be to the point. No need to drag it out because it's on camera. You can show where or what you're doing in your video voicemail.

Share your thoughts on my Facebook page: Blanca Cobb – Body Language Expert. Write a message on my timeline, and I'll get back to you. While you're on my page, I'd appreciate it if you give my page a "like."

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