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National Fatherless Children's Day

Blanca Cobb explains how to support children without fathers.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Today, we turn our focus to a topic that often goes unnoticed. June 23rd marks National Fatherless Children's Day. This day recognizes the millions of children around the world who are growing up without a father figure in their lives. It's a chance to raise awareness about these children's challenges and the resources available to support them.

Studies show that children without fathers are more likely to experience academic difficulties, behavioral problems, and even health issues. But it's important to remember that these are just statistics. Every child's experience is unique.

Here are a few suggestions to help children cope when their father isn't a part of their lives. Validate their feelings, which can range from sadness and anger to lack of emotion. Realize that it's a roller coaster ride. Look for positive male role models in their lives, such as other male relatives, teachers, and sports coaches. And help them focus on their strengths and build their self-esteem. This can be anything from academics and sports to artistic talents or leadership skills.

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