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The importance of spreading kindness

Psychology expert, Blanca Cobb, shares insight on how being nice to others can make you feel better about yourself.

It would be great if people were nicer to each other. We see social media posts and videos of people saying mean and cutting things to and about other people. Life can be hard enough with an unstable economy, inflation, job losses, and a pandemic. It seems like niceness can go a long way.

When you're genuinely nice to others, you tend to feel good, happy, and more relaxed. You're not as stressed. If you are stressed, the niceness knocks a dent into your stress. Friendliness is contagious because when you're nice to others, they tend to respond in kind. For example, when you help someone, they tend to want to help you.

Here are a few ideas to be nicer to yourself and others. One way to be nicer is to have more patience. Give yourself and others latitude in mistakes or time to finish something. Don't find immediate fault because you limit your understanding of the situation.

You tend to have negative feelings and thoughts towards someone when you're angry. Sometimes, you don't even want to be around them. But, doing something nice helps take the sting out of your current feelings and the situation. For example, let's say you and your partner are having dinner and are mad at them. You notice that their glass is empty, so you refill it with whatever they're drinking, or you see that they're reaching for the saltshaker, so you hand it to them. When you do something nice, then it can chip away at your angry feelings. Your small gesture will impact your partner; perhaps, they will reciprocate the niceness to where you two can work out the situation.

You can share your thoughts on my Facebook page: Blanca Cobb – Body Language Expert. Write a message on my timeline, and I'll get back to you. While you're on my page, I'd appreciate it if you give my page a "like."

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